UNA Provincial Negotiations Update #10

Important update from United Nurses of Alberta's Negotiations Committee. Please share with UNA members.

June 26, 2024

• Met with the Employers June 24 and 25. Continued to discuss non-monetary proposals. Monetary related proposals are dependant on the mandate directed by the Government, which has not changed since February 14, 2024.

• The Committee will be meeting with the Mediator in July to review outstanding UNA and Employer proposals/positions. The Mediator will review these during August.

• Bargaining dates with the Employers and Mediator confirmed for September 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18 and 19.

• A town hall with Local Executive was held June 25th to discuss strike preparation. Discussion/questions about the UNA Strike Manual and the AHS overarching Essential Services Agreement (ESA).

• UNA has developed a UNA Strike Action FAQ.

• In addition to the overarching ESA for AHS, UNA has received the specific staffing proposals for each unit and program, which Locals will be able to access and review later this week.

• The overarching ESA with Covenant Health is not yet signed. Unit and program specific staffing proposals will be provided in August.

• For Locals considering an information rally or walkabout, here is the link for the Information Walk Tool Kit.

The Negotiating Committee reminds all members that wearing a RESPECT pin or a red ribbon is a sign of support for our efforts to achieve a collective agreement Alberta nurses can be proud of. Pins are available from your Local Executive or by contacting UNA's Provincial Office.

In solidarity,

Heather Smith
United Nurses of Alberta
