Voting on Election Day

Alberta’s provincial election will be held on Monday, May 29, 2023. Voting stations will be open on Election Day from 0900 to 2000.

Advance voting takes place the week before Election Day, from Tuesday, May 23 through Saturday, May 27, between 0900 and 2000. While days and hours of operation may vary for some locations, every electoral division will have at least one location open for the full advance voting period.

United Nurses of Alberta members can also sign up to make a voting plan and receive reminders from the Workers Demand Better campaign.

UNA members running as candidates

Three current members of United Nurses of Alberta have put their names forward to run as candidates in the election.

  • Danielle Larivee is a member of UNA Local 315 (Keeweetinok Lakes Community) and UNA’s First Vice-President. She is running as the NDP candidate in Lesser Slave Lake.
  • Diana Batten is a member of UNA Local 211 (Calgary Community). She is running for the NDP in Calgary-Acadia.
  • Miles Berry is a member of UNA Local 196 (Edmonton Community). He is running for the UCP in Edmonton-Gold Bar.

Time off for voting

Alberta’s Election Act ensures that all eligible voters are allowed three consecutive hours for the purpose of voting. An Employee’s regular work schedule may already allow for three consecutive hours while the polls are open (from 0900 to 2000 on Election Day).

For example, if a shift begins at 1200, or ends by 1700, an Employee will have the three hours required by legislation to vote and would not be entitled to take additional time off.

The provisions contained in Section 132 of the Election Act state:

(1) If the work schedule of an employee who is an elector does not provide the employee with 3 consecutive hours to vote in an election or plebiscite during one of the days of advance voting or on election day, the employer shall allow the employee leave time for voting as required to provide the employee 3 consecutive hours to vote during voting hours on any of the days of voting, at the convenience of the employer.

(3) No employer may make any deduction from the pay of an employee or impose on or exact from the employee any penalty by reason of the employee’s absence from employment during the leave time for voting referred to in subsection (1).

UNA members are encouraged to speak with their Employer in advance to ensure they have the time off to vote if needed. UNA members with any questions or concerns should contact their UNA local executive or Labour Relations Officer at 1-800-252-9394.
