UNA introduces improved PRC form

Responding to Professional Responsibility Concerns

UNA is hoping to place a renewed emphasis of online PRC reporting (as opposed to paper submissions) via UNA’s website.

A new Professional Responsibility Concern Form (PRCF) has now been introduced for use by UNA members, following a year-long project which informed the changes that were made.
The updated form – now available on UNA’s website – includes updated fields to prompt reporting and better capture important information that can help managers and PRC Committees discuss and resolve concerns.
The update was based on a scan of other Canadian nursing unions’ professional responsibility, staff and workload reporting forms, a review of technical literature on nursing workload and quality-of-care indicators, and a quality review of UNA’s existing PRC data, said PRC Advisor Josh Bergman.
In addition, Bergman said, focus groups were conducted with UNA locals engaged in the PRC process in all parts of Alberta.
UNA is hoping to place a renewed emphasis of online PRC reporting (as opposed to paper submissions) via UNA’s website, which has been in place since 2017. Currently, around two-thirds of UNA’s PRCs are reported electronically by UNA members, and UNA hopes to increase this number with the launch of the new form.
The new PRC update will be rolled out in stages, said UNA Information Systems Director Andrew Johnson. “It will come first to the Web and a few months later to the UNA App,” Johnson said. “In the meantime, members will need to go to UNA’s website (which can be accessed through a web browser on their phone, tablet, or desktop computer) to complete a PRC electronically. If they try to report through the app, it will direct them to the website to report.”
UNA members can complete the PRCF online at https://dms.una.ca/forms/prc or simply by going to UNA’s main webpage at https://www.una.ca and selecting the Professional Responsibility button on the right hand side UNA’s home page. If you are unable to complete the form online, you can still access a PDF version of the PRCF here, which can be printed and submitted in paper form to your Manager and Local.  
UNA members are encouraged to review the updated Reporting a PRC Checklist document should they have any questions about how to complete a PRCF.
Reporting a Professional Responsibility Concern is a constructive action that can protect patients, clients, and residents and alleviate the moral distress nurses sometimes experience when they are unable to provide care as required by the standards of professional licensing bodies.
