Here’s how to vote on the Mediator’s recommendation

Here’s how to vote on Wednesday, October 30, on the Mediator’s recommendation for a new Provincial Collective Agreement:

If UNA has your non-work email address on file, you will receive an email from ElectionBuddy with a direct link to your ballot. Click on the link to vote. You will require your Member ID and PIN, both of which are on your membership card.

If you DO NOT receive an email from ElectionBuddy, go to At you will require your Membership ID and your PIN, both of which are on your membership card.

If you have a non-work email address on file, UNA has emailed all members in Provincial Bargaining a PDF of their membership card.

If you DO NOT have your membership card and did not receive a PDF by email, go to to have your card emailed to you.

Please DO NOT try to use your UNANet account to vote.

Please DO NOT log into DMS to vote.
